This morning I caught the bus to Zoo Ave. Well it took me a while to find the bus. Firstly the bus terminal which is quite large and hard to not find then the bus in the terminal. I’m used to smaller towns with 1 or 2 buses. Here its like 20 different buses but half of them I guess go to San Jose and beyond.
Anyway I got to the Zoo ok. Paid my $15 (locals its $5 and $1 for kids) and set off for a walk around the place. The first things you here and see are the massive Scarlet Macaws. These things make your budgies look like ants. In fact I’ve coined a new term. We all know of budgie smugglers, well for the well endowed men they wear macaw smugglers instead.
There was just about every animal you could want to see that lives in or near Costa Rica including the 4 monkey species, although the spider monkeys were looking for the most attention which was good because I’ve had my David Attenborough moments with Howler monkeys and white faced capuchins.
They also had more turtles than they new what to do with. Animals that don’t eat turtles seemed to have a turtle pond in their enclosure just because they have so many turtles. I also saw an Iguana not sitting high up in a tree sunning itself.
More birds like Toucans, the wild cats, although they were sleeping. They also had pig like mammals called peccaries as well. If you got a wildlife guide to Costa Rica pretty much all the animals were here.
So I caught the bus back into town and i’m hoping to do a tour of San Jose tomorrow, assuming my foot gets better. It still is quite sore, I got some magic cream from a pharmacy so hopefully it will settle down.
One last sad note, this time next week I’ll be in Australia. What will you all read with your morning coffee now? How will you dream of your Indiana Jones adventures through the jungle? I’ll leave you to sort that out.