Today, was a living nightmare after yesterday. I was feeling so sick after the night and day before. We had a stop in the ruins of Kunye-Urgench, which were amazing except for the amount of sun and lack of shade…

Today, was a living nightmare after yesterday. I was feeling so sick after the night and day before. We had a stop in the ruins of Kunye-Urgench, which were amazing except for the amount of sun and lack of shade…
Today was pretty stressful. Basically we stopped for lunch beside the first river we’d seen for days. Only problem was the truck got bogged. No problems plenty of trucks were passing on the road, one would surely stop and help…
Today was a rather long drive through the Karakum desert. The road got worse as we went and it seems that driving is on whichever side on the road has less bumps and potholes, is the correct way of driving…
This morning I met the rest of the tour group. A fair mix of people but out of 18 or so I think only 2 were younger than me. Its a who’s who of travellers. Think of a place and…
Sorry to anyone who missed me or thought I’d gone missing. I’ve been internetless with plenty of other mishaps and adventures in between!I left Guangzhou for the long flight to Ashgabat via Urumqi in Western China. I ended up sitting…