So after a night of coughing that keep me awake all night and Claire was the collateral damage. We visited the Pharmacy. We believe we’ve been to a pharmacy for six straight days now! I got some Loperamide for the backend issues and some cough medicine with codeine.
We all decided that going into a mine on a mine tour really wasn’t our thing. Hot claustrophobic conditions with all sorts of dust in the air including asbestos. A lot of people visit Potosi for just that alone. In the end I was happy to not do one.
I wanted to go see the “House of Money” aka as the mint. But while the outside of the building is quite impressive, the insed either seemed rarely open and when they were it was a 2 hour tour, I really didn’t feel like doing. I’m sure its a great museum, but its not really a mint any more, much to my disgust!
We did wander the local market looking for things made of silver, but even that market seems to have dried up. What we have noticed is the large number of lawyers in town. When mines come into play, I guess so do the lawyers! Despite being a mining town the centre of Potosi is quite a nice area. Not quite Sucre, but well ahead of anything in La Paz.
I retired for rest and the girls kept wandering the streets, looking for a post office.
In the evening we went to a bar that looked nice, but ended up filling up with annoying and loud australians from the Hostel. One of them a typical travel wanker who could not wait to tell people about how many countries he has been to.
Worse for me was the smoking allowed inside the bar which really got to me and had me coughing quite a lot despite the cough medicine.