Justins World

Ye olde days in Romania

Firstly last night I wandered around the old town and got some photos of the ironbridge at night. This was also the first time I saw the bridge without a bride on or near it. Seems to be the place to get married and it is not just Romanians either.
Today I caved in and went to one of these historic villages that seem to be so common in Romania. There was one in Bucharest I managed to avoid. Anyway it was a sunday, and apparently it is a lovely place to go for a walk. I wasn’t shocked they wanted more money to take photos. Its the most touristy Romania gets. Silly thing is, that my photos and everyone elses photos are what gets people travelling to places. I know if it wasn’t for photos of a few castles I may never have visited Romania.

This historic village could be best described as a ye olden days style place, without the people masquerading as olden day people. So just buildings in a big park with a lake in the middle. Closest thing to it in Australia would be soveriegn hill, but with very little souvenirs or other stuff to buy and just old buildings.
Culturally, I understand the idea, that they’ve transplanted these building somewhere, they can be maintained. Its like an open air museum. But it wasn’t as interesting as I hoped. The walk however was great, nice pathways in and out of the forest and by the lakes.
Tomorrow I’m on a train to Timisoara, mainly as its the town to go to to get to Belgrade. Its my last full day in Romania. I’m trying to get to Kotor in Montenegro, which could take the best part of the next 3 days, so not sure about updates.


Romania in the olden days

Sibiu from the clock tower

Sibiu from the clock tower

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