Pražský hrad is a real place. In english its Prague castle. I barely got any sleep last night. The traffic noise from outside my window went all night. Its now 10:48pm on a Sunday night and its still bad. I tried to change rooms but no others spare. So this morning when I woke up to rain I was already not in the best of moods. But then a thought occurred to me that less people in the rain. Wrong. Neither Sunday nor rain kept the crowds away. I can tell you now I was very pissed off today around lunch time. People are just so inconsiderate. You’ll be taking a photo and someone just pushes right in front of you to get a photo. Or the german guy who couldn’t get the hint, that the door to the toilet was locked because I was in there using it. I mean why else would it be locked. No need to try and bash it down.
Or the plethora of umbrellas which are great to keep one person dry, not so great in crowds where eyes get poked out. Also because someone has an umbrella it gives them the right to block any passageway especially a dry one. Also seems to give them the right to meander in different directions generally getting in the way of someone walking a straight line.
Not only that, but people would hoard around the entrance to places where there was cover, but still have their umbrella up. I just gave up. Fortunately my ticket is valid for two days, so i’ll see if I have time tomorrow. I did however go back to the castle later in the day when the sun came out. None of the buildings were open, but the grounds are open til quite late, which meant I could enjoy the relative peace and tranquility without the hoards.