Last night, I found out about a local Indian restaurant that was a few blocks walk away. There was no butter chicken on the menu and it seemed a bit too hippyish for my liking. Low tables and low chairs as high as the table with weird mood lighting to simulate the effect of hippy drugs also. The resident Indian also had a pigtail. I don’t thunk there was any meat on the menu either, that is case closed on being a hippy restaurant. Anyway I had some koftas in a tomato based sauces with rice. quite a nice meal and washed down with something that tasted like hot apple cider, but I’m not sure because it was complimentary.
Today was a wet and miserable day in Buenos Aires. I’ve shelved my plans to go to Uruguay for the day. iIs just too expensive for a day trip and I’ve run out of money in my budget. Actually that probably happened last week. Inflation here has been about 50% the past couple of years especially when you compare prices in the guide book from 2008 to now. The locals want the country to be better, but sometimes you’ve got to be careful what you wish for and how you go about it.
I looked for nearby attractions, most of which I’d visited, except there were some Japanese gardens and the planetarium, plus lots of lovely parkland to wander through. So I headed that way and it just started rain a bit heavier the further I got. Fortunately, there was no real heavy rain and it held off to light rain or a drizzle for the day.
The jardin japonés was not as big as I thought it would be and took me all of 30 minutes to dawdle around it. I could probably have taken 15 except for two things. I loved teasing the goldfish, by pretending to feed them with hand movements. I didn’t realise that you could buy food for them. Anyway, I did get a good photo of some giant carp, which was probably on the menu of the onsite sushi restaurant.
The second delaying distraction, were argentine school kids getting into the frame of my photos. Just when you think they’d gone to the kiosk they’d come back again. Bloody kids.
I eventually managed to get my photos and left for the planetarium. I wasn’t sure what to expect there, or whether I could see anything given the cloudy rainy day. Well i’m glad I didn’t expect much, because it was only open for weekends. So I wandered around the park with artificial lakes complete with joggers circumnavigating them. I found a place for lunch and then went to the city for a bit of shopping where even there I failed to spend any money. Tomorrow is really my last day as Saturday I’ll need to be at the airport by 10am. My journey is nearly and a months worth of fantastic memories and stories are ready to be told on my return.
oh yes spanish phrase of the day is about the pickpockets. I’ve worked out that I stand out like a sore thumb because I’m tall and don’t have dark hair. But the pickpockets only work in crowded places. Anyway the worst insult I can work out is “Carteristas son gilipollas”. Carterista is a pickpocket and the other big word is a swear word 🙂