So my final post for this trip basically because the last one was so negative. So after I wrote it, I went to gardens by the bay, which is a botanical garden with giant sculptured trees that act as vertical gardens also. They also have some indoor dome which i didn’t visit. I started off by following my nose and also the signs to Satay by this Bay, which sounded divine and was. Basically an asian food court outdoors by the bay with many satay vendors as well, all offering the same things for the same price, but vying for your attention so you’d buy your satay from them. I got a mixture of satay sticks and they were all very yummy. I think there were 4 different animals (cow,sheep,pig and chicken) nicely coated in delicious satay.
I walked back to see a nice sunset and parked myself in a quiet spot among in the supertree grove. Then at 7:45pm I was swamped by people all wanting to sit down to see the show, several of them with rowdy noisy kids as well. The show was nice, slightly better than the HK laser and light show. It felt more immersive as the trees were around you.
As for today I was going to visit the zoo, but it was raining, so thought I’d visit the world renowned Orchard Rd. Not my uncle Graham and cousin Ben kind of warned me about this street and just how boring it was after they visited it when watching the F1 GP last year. Seriously it is full of wankers and shops that are typical yacht race or horse race sponsors. Quite why you need multiple Louis Vuitton stores on one street is beyond me, let alone having 10+ watch stores in one mall.
Now I’m wasting time because its 3:30pm my flight is not til 10:30pm and the coffee shop has coffee and wifi!